Sunday, August 30, 2009

keatsta's feel good thread about having a good outlook on life

i have noticed that a lot of you are starting school. i, too, am starting university in the near future. it is with the feeling of being awakened from a long sleep that i prepare myself for the grueling work ahead - these last few months have passed in a haze; i have accomplished practically nothing and i can recall very few key incidents.

my dreams are usually like that, i can recall very strange specific event or things i have read or heard in them, but cannot string together an overall narrative about what the dream was about. i have made a habit of writing down things i do remember from them, but immediately after, they lose all significance.

for example, here is what i wrote down upon waking up this morning:

first i put in some sort of fancy script: "do not provide the singers with money, they only sing to warn their homeland of upcoming snows. money has no meaning to them."

underneath that i wrote down "go easy on him, he's got a sitcom in his head. do you have any idea how horrible that is?" the word sitcom here was underlined.

none of this means anything to me. and so it is with this summer: i have the odd thing i wrote about one piece and a multitude of forum posts to look back upon, but the actual writing of them has all blurred together. i remember plotlines of books that i presumably read, but all such events i believe happened in the way i do ancient history: validated by results, but not proven due to my absence. looking at how little has changed since the end of june, i find it unbelievable that so much time has passed. looking down at a stack of completed novels, i marvel at where i found the time.

but that is perhaps because i had such a leisurely summer - i have no job, no chores that i don't enjoy, and was free to do whatever i felt like pretty much all the time. i fell into a routine of sleeping in late, spending all my time consuming various forms of media, and generally feeling content that i would never have to do anything i didn't want to do.

well, obviously, that will change soon, as i experience more work than i ever imagined with constricts that are beyond any i have been subject too. i've been feeling a bit down, to be honest, and the worst part is that my inability to fully understand what lies before me has led me to start worrying about more trivial things and has generally tainted these last carefree weeks with apprehension and paranoia. i know that university will also present me with unprecedented opportunities and probably some of the best years of my life, but that right now seems as sure to me as my degree being the right choice, my ability to get a job for my work term, etc. that is to say, not very much.

ANYWAYS, i have decided that such feelings are both counterproductive and seriously lame. that's why i've begun to reinforce my belief (some might say delude myself) in several key philosophies:

1. People are innately good, with few exceptions. On the most basic level, everyone has the capacity to love everyone else.

2. Any action that you could attribute to malice you should try to attribute to ignorance. No one is really out to get you, everyone is just trying to live their life as best they can.

3. The underlying motive of the universe is towards life, not death. You may fail at some things, but there will always be a more subtle overarching current of progress in your life.

4. "Keep a quiet heart/Sit like a tortoise/Walk sprightly like a pigeon/Sleep like a dog" - Li Ching-Yuen, rumored (although most likely falsely) to be the oldest human to have ever lived.

so yes i just felt like lately there was a lot of people worried and such not just here but on the internet at large so if you feel scared or alone or worried or melancholy i hope my collection of platitudes and irrelevant personal anecdotes will turn your life around in a big way

just remember that the forum is not dying and there will always be people here and elsewhere that will love and care about you. and remember that a world like this, that produces such beautiful art and a chapter of one piece every week, cannot really be all that bad. for all the horrible things that happen on, both a personal and global level, there is also a lot of wonderful things being done. and sometimes it's good to remember that.

and that's it that's why i made the thread. hurray if you read all of this but i don't think you really need to most of it i was just rambling. so yes in this thread talk about what you're genuinely enjoying about life and forget school work et al

tl;dr i am bored and life is cool

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