Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Live Review - Assassination Classroom 62 - Pro Time: Second Hour

Tactical attack arc begins!
Sneaking into a mob paradise hotel to steal an antidote from an assassin! A team of eager kids with unique abilities! The lives of their classmates on the line! What more could you ask for in a shonen arc? Great art, humor and character designs? You got it!

Assassination Classroom 62 - Pro Time - Second Hour
Scans by Utopia

Latest Report on the Assassination Trip to the Southern Island!
I really like this page. It's well done and summarizes a fairly complicated situation efficiently. I especially like listing who is sick and who isn't, very helpful.

Woah Okano is awesome. Lol team senseis isn't doing too well...

Haha, poor bitch-sensei... always bullying her. I like how they can reference training like this without making a big deal of it while still making it feel cool/inspiring/whatever.

Ritsu hacking mode, makes sense. The multiple systems thing seems like a weird excuse... weird diagram too... I feel like Ritsu ought to be able to just control everything... oh well it works well to create a good obstacle.

Oh hell yeah, this looks like it could be a lot of fun. Unlike a lot of shonen series, I actually want AssClass to slow down on a lot of arcs. If this ends up being a lot of random obstacles and such, I wouldn't even mind, 'cause I love seeing what characters and battles this author will come up with. I want to give him every opportunity to do so.

Infiltration begins! It's set up like a television station? Huh okay I didn't know about that whatever.

What'll they do? I love these little maps and such. The design of the hotel is pretty nice too. This series is so pretty aesthetically.

Ah, but bitch-sensei, who has experience with such things, knows the trick is to just look like you're supposed to be doing what you're doing and no one will stop you. Ahh, but they probably would stop some kids... Operation distract with piano?

Aha, the power of beauty... they bullied her earlier, but she proves her worth!

Dang, she's good at this. I assume she'll be good at piano too. It'd be funny if she wasn't but that'd be a bit too much bullying I think.

Ooph. She's got moves that's fer shur.

Ah yes, of course she'd be good. She's trained in all these deceptive classical arts. That ain't no time signature I've ever seen but this page is really well done at any rate. Everyone enraptured! Even the kids! But get a move on, kids!

So good the kids seem almost disgusted! Sometimes ridiculous amounts of talent almost has a vulgar quality to it, doesn't it? Uh not sure what I mean by that but it's an idea, whatever.

How do they know that's the signal for 20 and not two? Also Nagisa is about to have his first adult thoughts... no, Nagisa, stay pure!

I really like the look on the face of the guy at the top right lol. This is another well done panel in general. And yeah they learn to appreciate their beloved bitch-sensei.

I like this panel of useful arts... cooking, tea, that card game with the seasons that I saw in that one mahjong manga...

Yeah, good to see the author acknowledging her for more than a joke/fanservice character from time to time. And oooh "Smog", the first boss of the arc! I can't wait!

Two of our enemies... a wacky gun-licking guy and mr. all-black-everything. I can't wait!

Looks like we got a good ol' fashioned "climb the tower while fighting dudes" arc
Hmm... so I'm totally excited for this sort of arc from this author, 'cause all of his character designs are really fun and his battles are good and it'll be a good way to show off the characters, but one of the interesting things in this series was that, outside of Koro-sensei, most people were, if not normal, then at least reasonable... they didn't have the shonen style of everyone being really wacky. Not that I don't love a series where everyone is wacky, I mean, I love One Piece for that. So I dunno, feels like it got a bit more generic in this chapter, like, it definitely did... whether or not that's a good thing remains to be seen.

At any rate, this was a good chapter. He did a good job focusing on bitch-sensei without her being just a joke character. I hope she does more than just that in this arc, though... Some really well done scenes and brisk pacing, good good.


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