Monday, October 7, 2013

Live Review - The World God Only Knows 245 - As You Like

The play continues!
With many twists! I like the little bits of Shakespeare-service, like the titles. I'm curious to see what'll happen with this play, too. This arc has been dragging for awhile, and the whole time travel saga is getting a bit Nameky, but I'm still pretty curious.

The World God Only Knows 245: As You Like
Scans by Red Hawk Scans

Man the Celestial Robe has been doing a whooole lot of work these days.

Haha this is pretty crazy. They made a whole crazy set. Kids seem to like it... is this cheating? Who cares... Keima looks pretty funny in his spaceship.

Robots from the future! Is this all Elsie? Pretty impressive coordination on her part... When the kid talks about having seen it on TV, does he mean Terminator? Or is there some Japanese reference too?

Kids look... sorta scared too. I like the "It's Romeo!" line. And an extendable staircase! How cool.

I feel like he coulda said something to Tenri beforehand like even just "hey I'm gonna do something crazy so don't worry"... lol anyways whatever.

Uhhhh, huh? Where is this happening? The gym? Can the kids even see?

Hmmm probably another chance for her to like, abandon this time line... or whatever... time travel plots I don't even bother trying to understand. Or is this a script for her? No idea.

Ohh, he's actually revealing what happened here. I still don't understand where this is taking place.

Ah, the play reflects what actually happened... sort of... uhh... I like that bored looking girl with the drink, that's funny.

Uhhh... okay. I don't get it. Some sort of Eva thing.

Uhhhhh... wait so... they don't need to worry about Kaori? Is Keima gonna take care of that now? Ummm... I like that "Earthquake will hit (Don't be scared)", awww...

Oh okay. They're gonna win the play thing here... uhh I hope this arc is over soon. This is getting too weird.

Ah, okay. He made it so she could ask real question but it sounds still like the play. Clever, I like that. What's she doing with that sword though?

Ooph! I hope that was in the script. I hope that was a trick sword... Uhhhhhhhh...

Aww, yeah... Tenri with the magic tricks. She looks cute there. That's an impressive prop.

Kaori is not happy with this ridiculous interpretation of Shakespeare. Which is... fine. Like, they did basically cheat really hard.

Aw, Tenri's so cute. Keima looks pretty cool too.

Ahh, that's a pretty cool line. Aaaand... that's it! Alright sure.

A lively sci-fi Romeo and Juliette!
Yeah, that was alright... I'm getting pretty sick of this arc/saga but that chapter moved pretty quick so I'm alright with it.


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