Thursday, November 13, 2014

Song of the Day #87 - Akamushi - YAOI TTE NANI

lol what is this "yaoi"

Okay everyone LOVES lolicore, right? Apparently even my former roommate who sent me this even though he hates everything that has anything to do with this. This seems to be made in the same mode of most lolicore, where you go through slice of life shows looking for funnies. And then you get a beat going or whatever. Fun fun. Okay but this one is a little different... Something about the piano. It's so simple! It's so weirdly simple, like, someone who hadn't heard any other music before had made it. There's no pretense to "compete" in metrics of complexity with existing music. It's just what it is. I really don't know how to put it in to words. There are many other mysteries with this song, too, but... that's enough for now. I will have to revisit this later.

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