Saturday, December 20, 2014

Song of the Day #105 - iLoveMakonnen, Ezra Koenig and Despot - Down 4 So Long


Okay so Redbull, like Adult Swim before them, has decided to get some attention by funding collaborations between today's most relevant artists. I liked the Earl Sweatshirt one, but since then I kinda forgot about them. Perhaps noticing my disinterest, they went insane and brought an indie rock singer and a rapper to remix an old, slept on, Makonnen banger.

Idk on some levels this seems like it could be really bad, right? Makonnen blowing up was largely in part, I think, 'cause it was so alien to existing modes of indie rock and hip hop. But these were actually pretty clever choices... VampyWeeky was always pretty in touch with hip hop values of rhythm and having fun, and Despot is a great "spit a verse" type rapper but without the "baggage" of someone more known. Sure, Ezra's verse has a lot of strange, unnecessary lines... "Shmoney dancing with some goth teens/motherfuckers leaking nudes/why they gotta be so rude?/I lost my samurai I feel like a ronin"... ??? But whatever it feels kinda endearing anyways. Despot's "Didn't know what day it was before the club was going up" shows you how you can make a clever reference while still keeping some real emotional meaning. And overall this song still manages to keep that awesome Makonnen feeling of being strung out, in a club, in the future, and really "getting it".

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