Thursday, December 15, 2011

You are now reading my blog

Another blog post what is new

I don't know not a whole lot, going to mention a few things and then try to keep my supposedly regular features somewhat regular.

LOL since I wrote this part I waited like five days to post this, I am bad at blogging.



So I kinda missed the boat on this cloud rap/trillwave stuff 'cause I didn't really understand what it was and a few of the key artists slipped past me. For awhile I've been thinking about how hip hop is moving in many directions at once and how rapping is sort of just becoming a very basic style of delivery rather than something that has implications of beat or subject or anything else like that. I think this is really cool but at the same time a lot of the stuff it's produced doesn't interest me at all. Sometimes it seems too fake or like “smarmy”, I dunno. I also am a big fan of anticon style stuff, though, that's one extreme direction the genre's gone in that I really enjoy. Anyways these factors made me think that this supposed genre was some sort of surface approximation of anticon-style abstract rap and was basically a catch-all term for any rapper surface enough for people who used the term to hear them rap about weird stuff.

Yeah I'm dumb I know. So in case you didn't know this isn't that or like even remotely close at all. What I guess I would call this is Lil B's “I'm God”: The Genre. That isn't quite fair but yeah, lazy heavy swag sorta rapping over the most beautiful grand ethereal beats you can't yet imagine. This is of course now my favorite thing ever ever. A$AP Rocky's who I've been focusing on mainly these days and like holy cow this guy is so great. My friend wrote a good blog post about it if I remember I will link it hereabouts.

Psyche Origami

These guys are like an old bed I have slept on them for too long. They are quite a bit like Typical Cats, which means they aren't typical cats at all, ha. Really nice jazzy beats and lots of good lines per song. Some pretty funny parody stuff, they did a part with fake rap names that I like, I always like that joke. Really solid hip hop, almost to the point where it's boring again? Like what happened when people got too good at indie rock and I lost interest because there was no “tension”. What the hell am I talking about I have no idea these guys are great and not boring or anything. Plus this stuff is like half a decade old now and predates the sort of stuff that I felt was less solidified so I don't know what I'm talking about I guess is what I mean. Point is listen to this, maybe the next person who is interested won't take as long as I did to find them.


Female rapper okay cool, another pretty solid entry in the Greedhead stable which by the way is now officially big enough that I can't keep track of who all is in it anymore. Seriously the roster has exploded lately and I can hardly keep up and it all seems to be pretty good. But yeah on this first mixtape or whatever of hers (THANK$GIVING – btw has dollar sign s hit another peak of popularity?) a sort of inner paradox of Greedhead comes out really strongly and I think this is something they need to get a handle on before they continue. Basically they're scooping up all sorts of really fresh talent, which is great, but these guys are all gonna do their “first release” stuff. Which is yeah okay. Pretty much every new artist in every medium has a period where they get some stuff off their chest, do all the stuff they've got locked in as cool since age 12, make the requisite shoutouts to family, kinda do image creation/solidifaction, all that stuff. Okay fine yeah, I have no problem with that. It usually produces some really heartfelt stuff. But like specifically on Greedhead there's this problem where you get some of the new artists doing this stuff and then you still have your Kool A.D. running up on your tracks and getting p silly. And it's like... conflicting? I dunno. It's kinda weird to listen to is my point. Like you got “No Music”, which is pretty banging but it's like half Tecla legitimately trying to rep her skills and seem hard and stuff and then Victor and Lakutis are being dang silly almost to the point where you feel like they're mocking her, and I don't even know what this guy Fat Tony is doing but he's p good. And of course yeah the whole thing ends up being just witty and fun instead of internally conflicting but I feel like maybe there was an attempt to do some sorta genuine “Gangsta Shit” sorta swagger. Or or then you get the cliched song where Tecla apologizes to mom and pop and sure it's pretty moving sure but you can actually see her realize how strange it'll seem to have this back to back with traditional postironic partyrap stuff so she transitions pretty cringeworthily with some stuff about laughter being the best message. Aw geez we don't need that sort of thing. I dunno what the solution is though but I think something's gotta be done. All that aside though everything on here is pretty solid.

Playlist report

Like last time here's more of the playlist I've been listening to.

M.O.P. - “Ante Up (album version)”

Album version being the remix or whatever with Busta Rhymes and such. I will be perfectly honest with you about why I am listening to this song. It has nothing to do with a recent reobsession with Busta Rhymes. My obsession with Busta Rhymes has no beginning or end. No, this is due to a fairly old video that was recently posted to reddit. You can find it by looking up “idolmaster ante up” on Youtube. I suggest that everyone who doesn't already know what sort of thing they will be getting themselves into not actually do this. Everyone who does, use your discretion. Anyways this song is nuts. It's like, two guys try to beat Busta Rhymes at his own game and actually make a decent shot at the throne. Really feels like a whole entire world collapsing. Such powerful hooks! Like, a boxer, you know? Seriously though that video. I don't know what I think about anything anymore.

Wolf Parade - “I'll Believe in Anything”

This is what motivated this playlist, a strong want to hear this song and one other song a bunch of times. The other song, which will not be named due to spoilers, was a new song, but this song, like, why did I suddenly have a strong want to hear this classic Wolf Parade cut? I dunno, my taste in indie rock has become really strange. Now it's like, I'll have one or two songs that I really really like at a time and the rest bores me. Also from when I first heard this song years ago up until very recently when I heard it again I thought the lyrics were “Where nobody loves you and nobody gives a damn” and now I struggle to understand how I heard that in the first place. Whatever. I still sing “loves” when I'm singing it and not listening to it. I guess my brain is just permanently screwed up in this regard. I'm sure it'll cost me a promotion at some point.

Wugazi - “Slow Like That”

So big themes of this playlist: Retribution! Mashups! Rapping! Weird level of seriousness! It hits every base! It's a home run! Really though this song is a whole lot of fun. The hook is just crazy catchy, the riffs are solid, etc, etc. Probably one of the least Fugazi tracks on Wugazi but screw it. I really like when people rap with like, righteous anger. The M.O.P. track has some of that, but here it's a bit more precise and justified. Raw swag cool cool.

Video Games

Smash Bros. character discussion

Today we'll look at:


Playing as Luigi
This alone makes learning wavedashing worth it. Even just sliding around like an idiot is deliriously fun. Combine that with any of his attacks and it's like seizure-inducing fun. I cannot think of a single attack of his that isn't fun. That includes his taunt, yes. Juggling stuff with nairs and dsmashes and stuff is great, but give me the slide in ftilts and quick fairs any day. He's just so mobile! But at the same time he really really isn't. Being on the defensive with Luigi isn't fun. It gets really bad whenever you're off the stage and your opponent is still on the stage because you will not be returning to the stage. The “recovery”, if you could call it that, isn't like the many quick and sad attempts of like, Captain Falcon trying to get past Marth, rather it usually just... doesn't happen. Especially on Battlefield. I hate the Battlefield edges plenty in the best of times but with Luigi I honestly have no idea what to do. I also have no idea how to use his down B to help recover, even though that seems to work fine with Mario and Doc. But yeah overall the Dan of Smash (this is intentional, right? I mean the dash attack, the fireball, the damaging taunt... I dunno) certainly lives up to his pedigree, very very fun overall.

Overall fundex: *
Tier of my playability: “Tertiary”

Playing against Luigi
Hmmm doesn't happen too often but when it does it's just a mixture of frustration (when you can't combo him) and shame (when edgeguarding is stupidly easy at best). Apparently there was a really really good Luigi player in my area for awhile, I never saw or played him but he had quite the “rep” among a lot of my friends, even then I think it's probably a myth.

Mario Kart 7

Bought this, pretty good overall, like, really fun, but just so massively flawed in one key area that instead of being hopelessly addicted like I was to MKDS I just play occasionally. Here I'll do a bit of a review I guess.

So I'm a big fan of Mario Kart overall, I'd say my ranking for them going in is something like: DS > DD > 64 > SMK > Wii > SC, although I didn't really play Super Circuit all that much so that's a bit unfair. Maybe it being with those ambassador games will change that. Anyways so I'm pretty sure going in that I'll like MK7 to some basic extent so long as it has fun courses. Actually that's all I expected from it after I found out about how miniturbos would be done.


This is the most important part of the game but it's sort of pointless to worry about it, there's no way that a Mario Kart would hit the shelves if the core gameplay was gimped. MK7, with one exception, has the best collection of stuff yet, new stuff that feels fresh but not weirdly so and a greatest hits assortment of stuff from before. Okay good stuff first: controls are beautiful (again, with one exception). Karts at all different tiers of handling feel completely natural, the differences in traction in different terrain are all perfect (especially underwater! Seriously, the way the kart drifts and bounces underwater is a thing of beauty! Oh and also especially “fast mud” sections, (like at the end of Luigi's Mansion) that was one thing MKDS did very confusingly and inconsistently and it works great here.). Gripping the 3DS isn't perfect but isn't too bad either. I would have liked the d-pad option maybe but I might honestly prefer the circle pad anyways. Oh yeah and collision stuff seems weird but somehow good, sometimes I get like weird corner boost bounces off stuff, don't really get it yet but it's all pretty fun. I think hitting something ought to slow you down a bit more but this is pretty good overall.

As far as the “gimmick”-type gameplay features, I love every one of them. Coins are back, and they're so great I wonder why they even left. It adds some much needed strategics of route (since you'll be so bored driving straight ahead wait no I'll get to that later) and adds new dynamics to the ol' sandbagging metagame. Tricks being back does roughly the same thing and is generally pretty fun. It seems like overall the boost mechanics have changed, now powerslide and trick boosts seem to be affected much more by offroad stuff? Not sure what I think of this but generally it just confuses and annoys me. Like you used to be able to cut through a few feet of grass or whatever off a trick or powerslide boost without dipping much but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. They also upped the power and visual effect of drafting even further, which I'm fine with.

Underwater is awesome, as I mentioned before. Really cool experience overall and the aesthetics are great too. Flying is more mixed, on some tracks it's really exciting but on others it hardly seems more interactive than the “movie-style” flying that it replaces (see Airship Fortress, etc). Places where you can do a bit of a shortcut by extending your flight are really cool. I think if they really wanted to sell this idea of like, multiform karts they'd have made it a bit more prevalent, though. When I saw the Magic Leaf item, before I knew what it did, I thought it would launch you up a few feet and put you into flight, sorta like the feather of yore. That would have been really cool but probably impossible to implement/balance well. They maybe could have used one more kart “form”, too, maybe some sort of drill/burrowing thing, I dunno, that's the only idea I have and it doesn't seem very good. Or maybe some super item thing kinda like the Bullet Bill but you still have some control and it varies by character? Basically all I'm picturing here is Yoshi going into his egg.

Speaking of that, I should mention stuff about kart options. So they did the same thing as MKWii and had characters effect stats slightly. This really bugs me. The character doesn't effect anything cool like getting personal items or karts, and yet it isn't completely aesthetic. This makes it so you can't just choose your favorite either by which character you like or by what bonus it has, you essentially just have to choose what'll end up being the best character (I think it's Wario, not sure) or put yourself at a disadvantage for the purpose of aesthetics. Bun. Uhh good stuff, I think kart customization is really cool otherwise. While I'm on the subject I think the kart/character selection is decent but weaker than Wii/DD/DS, which sort of makes it the weakest of the games that had this sort of kart/character separation. Oh well. I shouldn't really comment yet because I haven't unlocked all the karts yet and oh yeah here's another thing, the unlocking system in this game is the worst I've ever seen. I mean getting stuff in a randomized order, seriously? This is the second worst choice they made with this game.

And here's the worst. When MKWii came out, I was completely distraught at how they absolutely butchered the system of powersliding/miniturbos that had hit a pinnacle in MKDS. They replaced it with bikes and wheelies, which had all the fun of aligning yourself on a good path and hitting up on the dpad. Welllll, MK7 makes me nostalgic for wheelies. Yup. Seriously, without the ability to quickly do miniturbos, the game hardly feels interactive at times. Now, with the player cap down to 8 from 12 and the most stupid items nerfed, I don't feel the complete lack of association between my interaction with the game and the results of the race that I did on MKWii, but at times I certainly do. There are times when you get behind and there's just nothing you can do. And that's just not fun. And why? Why? Seriously, why? I don't understand this. Why not like, have both systems of charging miniturbos? And let players pick which one they wanted to use? And allow them to search for races/communities online that only allow that system if they want? You have like, manual and automatic, just like MKWii, except the former carries on the proud Mario Kart tradition of alternating left and right to charge turbos, a marvel of kart racing gameplay that elevates MK from party fun to a worthy competitive masterpiece, a contribution to human fun matched only by things like the second control slot and the ball. The latter can even have MKWii's auto-drift thing if they're so concerned with appealing to the demographic of people with only one finger on their hands. AARhgHRgHAgHGHRghGHGDHDghg the only reason you are even reading this is because they screwed this up, I admit, because if they had done it right I'd be playing it right now and probably wouldn't have gone to any of my exams and failed so THANK YOU, Nintendo and Retro Studios, THANK YOU for ruining the best part of one of your best series, because I completely WRECKED those exams, BOOM.

Anyways uhhh online play is good, the best Nintendo's ever done, communities are a great idea, thanks. And the way they handle ghosts now and time trial mode in general is AMAZING. Where's flap records though? Anyways moving on:


Banana/Triple Banana
It is what it is. Communities that are only bananas are uh really bananas though. Like fun. B+

Green shell/Triple Green shell
Is what it is. Sniping people seems easier in this one than past games but I think that's because the courses are tighter than in Wii and people aren't moving around as much as they are in any game before that because the STUPID MINITURBO SYSTEM AAAAAGHRGa but yeah classic item. A

Red Shell/Triple Red shell
Apparently can fly now if they need to! Cool. Hit time doesn't seem much different. Dodging them seems about the same difficulty as it has been in recent games. So fine, I guess. A-

Spiny Shell
Running along the ground is really fun, MK64 style! Makes it more of an actual interaction with the game again. The explosion seems smaller than usual, and the hit time seems less, both of which I approve of. Can't figure out if there's a way to reliably dodge them yet but maybe not. So yeah implemented well and at this point they basically have to do it but dang if I still hate it as a concept in general, no forgiveness. D

Awesome! I love these things, always will. Really fun for the guy in 4th to get in a close race. Other times it's useless but bun that's true for everything I guess. I want to try the only bomb community but I haven't found a match there yet. A+

I seem to get these in first even now?? Cool though. Seems like the offroad crossing ability has been reduced a bit? That sucks but oh well overall it's great. I think an only mushroom community would be excellent. S

Triple Mushroom
Probably the coolest item in most ways. Has all that resource management deal and stuff, especially in the many courses here with a lot of little shortcuts (the ramps in the middle of grass, etc). I can't figure out exactly where these things are given out, I've had a few in 5th/6th but I seem to recall getting it even in 3rd which is pretty crazy. *

Golden Mushroom
As always, very fun, very exciting, can make a really really big difference in clutch times. Good to have a god-tier item that doesn't just automatically help, it has some subtlety to exert like, skill with it. S

Bullet Bill
I've only gotten this once, I don't really have a good sense of how it works. In MKWii I just straight up hated it. I think I'll hate it here too. The worst kind of god-tier item. F

Stupid. D

The “staggering” of how long you stay shrunk is pretty much perfect here. Also the impact of getting run over when shrunk is really reduced, which is nice. Basically a fun item, a classic for a reason, but also very frustrating at times. B+

It's the Star! Like always, one of the best items if you use it really really well. Gives you all sorts of fun power over the race and really changes your mindset for the duration. I kinda remember it changing in this one so that if you drive over offroad stuff while using the star you still slow down, I think I just was confused though 'cause if that was true I think I'd be a lot more annoyed. So yeah great stuff. *

Fire Flower
I don't really get this one? Do you have a certain number of fireballs or a certain time in which you can throw them? At any rate it seems really really good, especially if you can snipe someone from some distance and then just lock them in hit stun. Seems way too good to get in 3rd, which is where it seems like you get it, but at least it's exciting and a challenge to use to the best of its ability. B+

Super Leaf
Okay I thought this was really really lame but now that I'm actually reading the description and it says you have to press L to swing it I realize that maybe I've just been using it wrong this whole time. 'Cause to me it seems just worse than any other item, but if it actually does things besides block one shell and prevent you from getting new items (what's the point in thaaaaaaaaat) it might be fun. I certainly think it looks cute. Anyways I thought it was like a F but maybe it's not.

Lucky Seven
I haven't gotten this yet and I'm not sure if I understand what it does. You get seven items, but what are they? I dunno. Too lazy to look it up.

Overall these items are pretty good. Where's the fakie, though??


Okay this is obviously the most important part. And overall yeah MK7 has some great great courses. Probably my favorite selection of courses in a Mario Kart... ever! Wow. I think I'll do like one cup per blog post, does that sound like fun?

Toad Circuit
So this is the standard boring circuit track. Pretty fun, one of the better ones, but still boring and standard. Looks very pretty. Have I mentioned how great this game looks in general? Because it looks amazing. So yeah this more interesting than a typical first track really just because MK7 in general is more interesting than other games. Like now we have jumps and such. Cool. Basically as good as it should be. B

Daisy Hills
Beautiful course. Great aesthetics. I love the little goats that wander in. The multiple paths are all really cool, especially the shroom shortcut that I usually forget. The flying section in general is a blast, and the way the shortcut adds to the challenge is perfect. Great track that reminds us that exciting stuff doesn't have to be difficult. S-

Cheep Cheep Lagoon
“Go! Go! Dive!” Okay. So here we get a nice little underwater based track. Nothing too fancy, but a good way to introduce the concept. The clams are a great element, as are the two pseudo shortcuts. Good stuff. B+

Shy Guy Bazaar
Pretty cool, Mario Kart doesn't do this type of environment too often so that's pretty neat. The nighttime aesthetics are particularly nice. Driving around the booths and stuff is really fun but I don't know how much I like the idea of that one narrow area that's like, the “best route”. I dunno it's kinda interesting though. The contrast between the marketplace part, the big turns and the buildup to the flying section is really well done, all sorts of skills being tested. Geez I wish I could miniturbo through this thing properly... But yeah, great course. A+

So yeah
I'll probably continue doing track reviews like that for the next seven blog posts? Overall the game is a ton of fun and a half. Soundtrack, graphics, all that stuff good too.

After a four month break caused by like... Linux and apathy, I'm finally back into this and I shaved about two seconds in a period of about a week. Crazy. If this rate of improvement continued, I'd sub 40 before Christmas. Wouldn't that be a nice Christmas gift? Seriously if I sub 40 I'm done with sprint. Please someone hold me to that.

Spiral Knights
Played this for a bit? I think I missed when it was really popular. Can't remember why I played it now but it is pretty fun. For awhile I've looked for a semi-grindy semi-actiony game I could just plug time at and make some progress in small spurts. Tetris Friends worked like this but now I just cannot stand the controls there. I dunno I think I'm just gonna play random games for awhile and see if there's one I really like. Speaking of which:

Sword Girls
New online trading card dealie thing. I love/hate the aesthetics pretty much 50/50. I haven't actually played it yet because I'm too lazy to learn how but I figured I'd mention it here so that I don't forget about it when I actually have motivation to learn it. Speaking of which:

Starcraft II
So I started really enjoying watching professional Starcraft. My one roommate who is pretty into it and I will watch finals for various things and get hype and he can explain what is happening etc. It is really such a cool game, like, holy cow, the more I watch the more clearly this is just the absolute emperor of competitive video games. So I try playing it and suddenly this exciting game of wit and willpower becomes the adventures of General Alzheimers McIncompetence, the Boy Unwonder, a horribly stressful test of memory that I will always fail to some degree. OH WELL. Sometimes it's really satisfying, like when I 4gate and don't get supply blocked for very long. Basically all I'm doing is 4gating, that's fun enough and I'm not in a position to demand anything more exciting. Not sure how much more I'll play before I lose interest and go back to solely spectating because geez it is hard. Speaking of which:

Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition
Another game that I watched way way more than I played and really respected and sort of understood on some high level but just have absolutely no ability to actually play. It's just so tough! It's good because it's so tough! This is something where I just have to sit down and learn a lot of things and practice them really hard before I'll be able to play the way I want, which is kind of lame but also very cool on another level. Not at all speaking of which:

In the Groove
With ITG I can kinda just keep grinding stubbornly, never learning crossovers or deliberately changing my mindset or actions at all, and keep getting better. Hooray! Now I can pass most 10s, except for the really hard ones, and have been getting close to passing some of the easiest 11s. I play a lot of stuff from Mandoto's (sp???) Easy as Pie packs, that's a really fun level of difficulty. Here's the stuff I play most often today I guess:

1. Ika Musume Theme 9. This is a pretty easy 9 but it got me into playing for accuracy, which is insanely fun. Best I've gotten is a 93, which isn't great but whatever it's a start. Plus the chart is just ridiculously fun. The string of jumps at the end is just... perfect.

2. Hatsune Miku no Shoutisu some remix – 10. Really fun and a decent level of challenge. The stream at the end is eighth notes at 240 so uhhhh... 480 per minute? That's as fast as I can go, I think, 'cause MAX300 is still too hard and stuff like Kahu is only 130. Er wait am I doing this math right? I really think the streams in Kahu are faster. Anyways.

3. Crazy Loop – 11. Wow this song is like heroin just being poured into your ear. Absurdly catchy. Too much fun. I have passed it all of once, the streams at the end usually kill me. So good.

4. If These Trees Could Speak – 10. So happy with myself that I can do a Flashbulb song. Basically this is just nonstop streams at 100BPM, a really fun comfortable speed, and all the patterns are just great.

5. Bruk Out (Burka Som Sistema mix) – 11. Easy 11 but whatever. Mmmmmajor lazer. Such a good track the stepchart could be anything and I'd play it. Luckily the chart is pretty interesting too.

6. Kahu – 11. Current “boss song” sorta thing. Well this and “Robotix”, can't really decide which I find easier. Here it's pretty much all easy until that ungodly stream at the end which just goes on too long.

7. Robotix – 11. More interesting than Kahu but prolly harder 'cause of all the crossovers at the end. Lots of fun parts though, the step jumps feel almost unnervingly natural, make me wonder why I suck so much at step jumps otherwise. Gimmicky speedup part kinda neat but sometimes frustrating, I often just close my eyes.

8. Xuxa – 11. When I'm playing completely on point I can get through the first bit of this before I die. Until like... 15% maybe? And there's parts at the end I can do. It'd be neat if this was the first real 11 I passed 'cause I think it was the first 9 I passed.

9. Tricky Disco – 9. This is too easy now, which is a shame 'cause it's prolly my favorite chart to play ever. There's the version Mandoto did but it's too long, and the 11 of this one is just dumb. But yeah, tons of fun, jumping over those mines and stuff.

10. Aurora – 11. This is the version Mandoto did. Really hard but also has some really fun stuff? I dunno I'm a ways away from passing it.

I think there's some I'm forgetting but yeah basically that's my top 10. Usually I'll play these + other random 9s and 10s until I get tired.

Speaking of which:

Geez this is an awfully long blog post, isn't it?

Yeah, and I haven't even talked about TV stuff yet!

TV Stuff

Boku wa Tamadachi whatever whatever
Up to episode 10 of this. Weird stuff. It's like, we all know what you can't show on TV, so why make an entire show about acting like you'll show something we know you can't? I dunno, it's still funny at times and almost heartwarming occasionally so I'll stick with it.

Guilty Crown
Up to uhh episode 7 with this one. Can't be bothered to make sense of the plot. A whoooole lot of stupid stuff is happening but the production quality is so high I don't care. Most of the characters are irritating but again, who cares, fight scenes, music, explosions. I kinda want to be up to date with it so I can follow the drama on /a/, which is probably more entertaining than the show itself.

Boo hiatus etc. Last few episodes have been pretty solid, a few things spectacular. I usually cringe pretty bad at musical episodes but the Christmas one subverted it quite nicely. I feel like the “shooting a commercial” one “ought to be funnier” but I don't know how, and it was pretty funny. Foosball/Batman was a mixture of great jokes and weird stuff that only sorta worked. The one with Annie moving was hilarious, and solid proof that they can still make a real masterpiece of an episode with a standard structure. So yeah good in general.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Still funny! Seems like the episodes have been getting less extreme, which is sorta mixed 'cause like, you can only escalate shock humor so far, but when you've created the shock humor precedent it gets sorta weird when you don't do it. The more conversational stuff is great but only occasionally as good as it was in the “golden days”. I'd say now it's a thing of each episode having one or two absolutely hilarious aspects rather than the whole thing being great. Like the caricature in the shushing man one, or Frank's boat tour in the Thundergun one. The whole episode where they try to break in and get the vase is hilarious through and through though. As is the one where they explain who Mac gets fat. And the half I've seen of the high school reunion one has been all great. So yeah.

Hidamari Sketch
Watching through this, have seen all of x365 now and started x***. Beautiful, beautiful show. Maybe my favorite Slice of Life now. It's just... wonderful. I don't know. I'd have to write a lot more to get across this wonderful like, serene emotion that I get when watching this. It's beyond moe. I'd get into it but:

Man this is a pretty long blog post

Yeah heh well I had a lot of stupid stuff to say. So now it's like end of year season so hopefully you'll see some year-end lists of music etc on this blog if I don't get lazy like I did last year. This is about it for now though. Oh man by the way, there's this service now that will print out your blog into an actual paperbook! Yeah! Crazy! My blog, if I printed the whole thing, would be like 500 pages! I actually feel some weird feeling of pride welling within me when I considered that. 500 pages of text. Likely nothing at all useful to anyone else. Hurrah.

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